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Abstract #446
PEAK (Study 20070509) : A Randomized Phase 2 Study of mFOLFOX6 With Either Panitumumab or Bevacizumab as 1st-line Treatment in Patients With Unresectable Wild-Type (WT) KRAS Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)
Lee S. Schwartzberg, et al.

Abstract #454
SPIRITT (Study 20060141) : A Randomized Phase 2 Study of FOLFIRI With Either Panitumumab or Bevacizumab as Second-Line Treatment in Patients With Wild-Type (WT) KRAS Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)
J. Randolph Hecht, et al.

Abstract #LBA5
REGARD試験:プラチナ製剤またはフッ化ピリミジン系薬剤を含む併用療法後に進行した胃・胃食道接合部腺癌に対するBSC ± Ramucirumabの二重盲検プラセボ対照無作為化第III相試験
REGARD: A Phase III, Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Ramucirumab and Best Supportive Care (BSC) versus Placebo and BSC in the Treatment of Metastatic Gastric or Gastroesophageal Junction (GEJ) Adenocarcinoma Following Disease Progression on First-Line Platinum- or Fluoropyrimidine-Containing Combination Therapy.
Charles S Fuchs, et al.

Abstract #LBA148
転移を有する膵癌に対するGemcitabine ± weekly nab-Paclitaxelの無作為化第III相試験: MPACT試験
Randomized Phase III Study of Weekly nab-Paclitaxel plus Gemcitabine vs Gemcitabine Alone in Patients with Metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas (MPACT)
Daniel D. Von Hoff, et al.

Abstract #145
膵癌切除後の術後補助化学療法としてのGemcitabine vs. S-1の無作為化第III相試験: JASPAC-01試験
Randomized Phase III trial of Adjuvant Chemotherapy with Gemcitabine vs. S-1 for Resected Pancreatic Cancer Patients (JASPAC-01 study)
K. Uesaka, et al.

Abstract #525
Final Report of Post-Marketing Survey of Panitumumab in Japanese Patients with Unresectable Advanced or Recurrent Colorectal Cancer
Tetsuya Hamaguchi, et al.

Abstract #541
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Panitumumab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: HGCSG 1002 -Analysis of after Cetuximab Refractory-
Yoshimitsu Kobayashi, et al.

Abstract #554
切除不能進行・再発大腸癌におけるPanitumumabの有効性と安全性に関するレトロスペクティブ・コホート試験: HGCSG 1002試験 〜Panitumumabの有害事象に関する解析結果〜
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Panitumumab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: HGCSG 1002 -Analysis of Adverse Events-
Masayoshi Dazai, et al.

Abstract #593
Retrospective Cohort Study on the Safety and Efficacy of Panitumumab for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients: HGCSG1002 -Analysis of Clinical Early Predictor for the Efficacy-
Susumu Sogabe, et al.

Abstract #382
Circulating Angiogenic Factors as Predictors of Benefit from Bevacizumab (bev) beyond Progression in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC): Translational Analyses from the Phase III BEBYP trial.
Chiara Cremolini, et al.

Abstract #60
進行胃癌の1st-line治療におけるS-1 + L-OHPとS-1 + CDDPの無作為化比較第III相試験
Randomized Phase III Study of S-1 plus Oxaliplatin versus S-1 plus Cisplatin for First-line Treatment of Advanced Gastric Cancer
Katsuhiko Higuchi, et al.

Abstract #335
Complete Neoadjuvant Treatment for Rectal Cancer: CONTRE study
Kimberly Perez, et al.

Abstract #336
切除不能進行・再発大腸癌の1st-line治療におけるFOLFOXIRI + Bevacizumab vs. FOLFIRI + Bevacizumabの第III相試験の結果 (TRIBE試験)
FOLFOXIRI plus Bevacizumab (Bev) vs FOLFIRI plus Bev as 1st-line Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Results of the Phase III Randomized TRIBE trial.
Fotios Loupakis, et al.

Abstract #380
KRAS 変異型切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対する2nd-lineにおけるMEK阻害薬Selumetinib + CPT-11併用療法:AGICC試験
Second-line Therapy of KRAS -mutated Metastatic Colorectal Cancer with the MEK Inhibitor, Selumetinib (AZD6244, ARRY-142886), in Combination with Irinotecan: An AGICC study
Howard S. Hochster, et al.

Abstract #420
HER-2 in High Risk Rectal Cancer Patients Treated in EXPERT-C, A Randomized Phase II Trial of Neoadjuvant Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin (CAPOX) and Chemoradiotherapy (CRT) With or Without Cetuximab.
Francesco Sclafani, et al.

Abstract #11
アジア人におけるHER2陽性進行胃癌に対する2nd-line治療としてのweekly Paclitaxel ± Lapatinibのオープンラベル無作為化第III相試験:TyTAN試験
A Randomized, Open-label, Phase III Study of Lapatinib in Combination with Weekly Paclitaxel versus Weekly Paclitaxel Alone in the Second-line Treatment of HER2 Amplified Advanced Gastric Cancer (AGC) in Asian Populations: TyTAN study.
Yung-Jue Bang, et al.