The European Cancer Congress 2013 - ESMO
■Abstract #LBA17
Analysis of KRAS /NRAS and BRAF Mutations in FIRE-3: A Randomized Phase III Study of FOLFIRI plus Cetuximab or Bevacizumab as First-line Treatment for Wild-type KRAS (exon 2) Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients
V. Heinemann, et al.
■Abstract #LBA18
ASPECCT試験: 既治療のKRAS 野生型切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対するPanitumumab vs. Cetuximabの多施設共同オープンラベル無作為化第III相試験
ASPECCT: A Randomized, Multicenter, Open-label, Phase 3 Study of Panitumumab vs. Cetuximab for Previously Treated Wild-type (WT) KRAS Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)
T. Price, et al.
■Abstract #LBA31
CAPRI GOIM試験の遺伝子プロファイリング:KRAS 野生型の切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対するFOLFIRI + Cetuximab後のFOLFOX4 ± Cetuximab
Molecular Profiling of the CAPRI GOIM Trial in KRAS Wild Type (WT) Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC) Patients: Cetuximab + FOLFIRI Followed by FOLFOX4 ± Cetuximab
F. Ciardiello, et al.
■Abstract #LBA43
局所進行胃癌に対する術前補助化学療法 (Epirubicin + L-OHP + Capecitabine) と放射線療法 (NEOX-RT) 施行後の手術:多施設共同第II相試験の中間解析
Neoadjuvant Epirubicin, Oxaliplatin, Capecitabine and Radiation Therapy (NEOX-RT) Followed by Surgery for Locally Advanced Gastric Cancer Interim Analysis of Multicentric Phase II Study
A. De Paoli, et al.
■Abstract #2453
TRIO-013/LOGiC試験におけるHER2評価:進行胃・食道・食道胃接合部癌に対するCapecitabine + L-OHP ± Lapatinibの無作為化第III相試験
Evaluation of HER2 Status in Advanced or Metastatic Gastric, Esophageal, or Gastro-esophageal Adenocarcinoma for Entry to the TRIO-013/LOGiC Trial of Lapatinib in Combination with Capecitabine plus Oxaliplatin
M. F. Press, et al.
■Abstract #LBA7
高リスク局所進行直腸癌に対するCetuximabの効果予測因子としてのTP53 変異:EXPERT-C試験の解析
TP53 Status May Predict Benefit from Cetuximab in High-risk, Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer: Results of the EXPERT-C Trial
F. Sclafani, et al.
■Abstract #2167
SOFT試験:切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対するSOX + BevacizumabとmFOLFOX6 + Bevacizumabの無作為化第III相試験
The SOFT Study: A Randomized Phase III Trial of S-1/Oxaliplatin (SOX) plus Bevacizumab versus 5-FU/l-LV/Oxaliplatin (mFOLFOX6) plus Bevacizumab in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
H. Matsumoto, et al.
■Abstract #2168
EXPERT-C試験のOS update解析:高リスク直腸癌に対する術前化学療法としてのCAPOXおよび化学放射線療法に対するCetuximabの上乗せ効果を検討した無作為化第II相試験
Updated Survival Analysis of EXPERT-C, A Randomized Phase II Trial of Neoadjuvant CAPOX and Chemoradiotherapy with or without Cetuximab in MRI-defined High Risk Rectal Cancer
F. Sclafani, et al.
■Abstract #2180
TRIBE試験における早期腫瘍縮小 (ETS) および奏効の深さ (DoR) :RECISTを越えた腫瘍縮小評価
Assessing Tumor Response beyond RECIST Criteria: Early Tumor Shrinkage (ETS) and Deepness of Response (DoR) in Phase III TRIBE Trial by the GONO Group
C. Cremolini, et al.
■Abstract #2186
KRAS /BRAF 野生型大腸癌細胞株における抗EGFR療法抵抗性のバイオマーカー
Biomarkers of Resistance to Anti-EGFR in Wild Type KRAS /BRAF Colorectal Cancer Cell Lines
S. Sree Kumar, et al.
■Abstract #2260
Aflibercept/FOLFIRI vs. Placebo/FOLFIRI in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Post-hoc Analysis of Survival by Prior Bevacizumab Use Subsequent to Exclusion of Patients Who Had Recurrence during or within 6 Months of Completing Adjuvant Oxaliplatin-based Therapy
E. Van Cutsem, et al.
■Abstract #2262
Updated Overall Survival Analysis of Novel Predictive KRAS /NRAS Mutations beyond KRAS exon 2 in PEAK: A 1st-line Phase 2 Study of FOLFOX6 plus Panitumumab or Bevacizumab in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
M. Karthaus, et al.
■Abstract #2275
PRIME試験の遺伝子解析:切除不能進行・再発大腸癌に対する1st-lineとしてのPanitumumab + FOLFOX4療法における効果予測因子としてのKRAS 、NRAS 、BRAF 変異
Tumor Genetic Analysis of PRIME: KRAS , NRAS , and BRAF Mutations as Predictive Biomarkers in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving First-line Treatment with Panitumumab + FOLFOX4
K. S. Oliner, et al.
■Abstract #2396
KRAS 野生型の切除不能進行・再発大腸癌患者に対するサルベージラインにおけるCetuximabとPanitumumabの比較:HGCSG0901、 HGCSG1002試験の解析より
Comparison of Cetuximab with Panitumumab in Salvage-line Monotherapy against KRAS Wild Type Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer: Analysis of HGCSG0901 and HGCSG1002
K. Hatanaka, et al.
■Abstract #2399
Panitumumab初期抵抗性の候補遺伝子:KRAS 野生型切除不能進行・再発大腸癌における第II相バイオマーカー試験
Candidate Genes Associated with Primary Resistance to Panitumumab (Pmab) in a Phase II Biomarker Study of KRAS Wild-type (wt) Metastatic Colorectal Cancer (mCRC)
G. S. Barry, et al.
■Abstract #2621
Multicenter Phase II Study of TAS-102 Monotherapy in Patients with Pretreated Advanced Gastric Cancer: EPOC1201
K. Muro, et al.